Crystal Clear Memories Promo Codes
Occasionally, we will run promotions and Promo Codes at Crystal Clear Memories that offer discounts off the total price of your purchase. But we do things a little different here. For example:
- Our shipping is totally free for orders $79+. We don't surprise you at checkout with high shipping charges.
- All of our engraved crystals (except keychains and Christmas ornaments) are converted from your 2D photo to 3D as part of your purchase. Some competitors charge $10 or more to convert your photo to 3D.
- We don't charge extra for text, like some competitors that charge $15 or more.
- Our Break Free Guarantee is an added bonus, a worry-free warranty at no additional cost.
- There is no fee for extra people in your photo (within guidelines for the size of the crystal). Some of our competitors charge $39 or more for additional people.
- Our light bases are the most affordable around. Many of our competitors charge over $40 for their entry level bases.
- Our satisfaction guarantee is the most generous in the industry, a promise we outline in depth in our Trust Promise.
For more information on our services and why you'll love being a customer, see our Why Buy Here page for more information, and check back here for current promotions.
Active Promotions
SPRINGSAVINGS: $10 off any order $70 or more. Valid through April 30, 2025.
25OFFTWO: 25% off any two crystals purchased at the same time. Valid through June 30, 2025.